Big Ten basketball season cannot get here fast enough. Especially for someone like me, who covers two college football teams, Northwestern and Illinois who are #10 and #11 in everybody’s conference power rankings. Then again college basketball season is always something that never gets here soon enough for me. I prefer college hoops over college football.
The two times I went on spring break in college I don’t recall anything about the partying I did in Cancun or Key West, but I can tell you the exact score of the 2001 Michigan State versus Penn State Big Ten Tournament game. I don’t remember the names of any of the girls I hooked up with on spring break, whether they were hot or ugly or mediocre. Or even if they were any good in bed. They probably were as refined and classy as the lovely young ladt pictured above I’m sure. But I vividly remember the Maryland vs Duke ACC Quarterfinal game that went into double-overtime.
The point is, even paying hundreds of dollars to go escape the winter chill and enjoy the alcohol and sunshine; I was still more into watching college basketball.
We begin with the Paul M. Banks Big Ten basketball power rankings, before we move on to the season previews conducted by David Kmiecik. He rated the top 111 teams, and both Banks and Kmiecik will be tag-teaming Big Ten basketball media day tomorrow. Click below to read the in-depth team previews that Kmiecik has completed:
We’ll have the Michigan State Spartans
team previews posted sometime between Big Ten basketball media day and the tip off of the season. Both Dave and I agree, those three teams are the class of Big Ten basketball, and they will be fighting it out for the title in the end.
Paul M. Banks is the owner of The Sports, an affiliate of Fox Sports. He’s also an analyst for multiple news talk radio stations across the world; with regular weekly segments on NBC, CBS and Fox Sports Radio. Follow him on Twitter (@paulmbanks) , Facebook and RSS feed