Chicagoan Barack Obama will get some visitors tomorrow from his hometown. Some very prominent Chicagoans actually: the defending Stanley Cup Champion Chicago Blackhawks. Barack Obama has hosted a lot of athletes in the White House lately, in addition to the standard invites to all the championship teams. Barack Obama hosted McKayla Maroney and the fierce five (pictured above), the 85 Chicago Bears, Bill Russell, who was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, and more.
Coverage of the official White House ceremony, featuring President Barack Obama, honoring the team’s second title in four years begins at 1:00 PM Central tomorrow afternoon (Monday, November 4) on Comcast SportsNet Chicago. will also live stream of the entire White House ceremony beginning at 1:00 PM. Barack Obama with the Blackhawks will be probably the blackest moment in hockey history. Maybe it’s the only black moment in hockey history.
Fans can also get interactive with CSN’s Blackhawks Stanley Cup Championship White House ceremony coverage throughout the morning and afternoon by utilizing the Twitter hashtag #HawksTalk.
And of course, you can follow me for updates on Twitter (@paulmbanks) regarding this. President Barack Obama himself is one of my 1,100 followers!
Paul M. Banks is the owner of The Sports, an affiliate of Fox Sports. He’s also an analyst for multiple news talk radio stations across the world; with regular weekly segments on NBC, CBS and Fox Sports Radio. Follow him on Twitter (@paulmbanks) and RSS