Only in Chicago would we name a metro stop after one of our sports teams. And only the Chicago White Sox have that distinction. Yes, despite how much this town is obsessed with the Chicago Bears and Chicago Cubs, the White Sox have them beat in this regard.
“Sox 35th” is the red line “L” stop adjacent to U.S. Cellular Field. You can stare directly into Wrigley Field from the Addison train station, and there’s a Cubs logo on the sign when you arrive, but it’s “Addison” not “Cubs Addison.”
So Sox 35th is shutting down for awhile. how will affect you Sox fans?
Three days until the five-month CTA Red Line closure between the Cermak-Chinatown and 95th Street stops, White Sox V.P. of marketing Brooks Boyer gave a positive spin to Crains’ Danny Ecker:
Banks has appeared on the History Channel, as well as Clear Channel, ESPN and CBS radio all over the world. President Barack Obama follows him on Twitter (@PaulMBanks)