Growing cannabis has become a popular activity with legalization in many states. However, many people feel limited in attempting this process due to the high investment expected to start their crop. Fortunately, there are methods available for keeping costs low throughout the process. Finding inexpensive seeds can help get things started at a lower price.
Quality Over Quantity
Cannabis seeds can be quite expensive when starting. Fortunately, there are inexpensive cannabis seeds available to help reduce this upfront cost. However, growers need to be wary of poor-quality seeds. Often, they can find bulk seeds for a relatively low price. Unfortunately, a large percentage of these low-quality seeds will not grow.
Growers should search for quality seeds. Some places offer quality seeds at low prices. Although a grower may not get as many seeds as they would when buying in bulk, they are more likely to have better growth. High-quality seeds are more likely to produce high-quality plants. Often, growers will have a larger crop from a few choice seeds than from a batch of cheap bulk seeds.
Grow Seeds
Although there are attempts to grow strains of cannabis that do not produce seeds, many types still do. If plants produce seeds, these can be harvested and stored for the next growing season. Growers would need to make an initial purchase to get the first crop. However, by harvesting seeds after each grow, growers can save significantly.
Only female cannabis plants produce seeds. However, they must be pollinated by the male plant before the seeds will be produced. For this reason, growers must be careful not to purchase only female seeds if planning to harvest seeds. A healthy mix will allow for the production of seeds so that they can be harvested for the next season.
Growers must also remember that these seeds must be properly removed from the plant, cared for, and stored to ensure growth in the next season. There are many sites available that can provide detailed information on this process. Cannabis seeds can be stored for years if proper care is taken.
Another option for saving money growing cannabis is to use clones. Clones are clippings from another plant used to produce a new plant. By using clones, growers do not need to keep male plants and hope for proper pollination. In addition, the clones grow into plants quicker without the slow germination process.
It is important to use a strong and healthy plant for cloning. The mother plant should be kept growing as long as possible to ensure enough clones for the new crop. Clones will take on all the mother plant’s traits, so be careful when choosing the mother plant.
Cut Costs Elsewhere
Unfortunately, cutting seed costs is not always the best option for keeping overall costs low. It may be a good idea to find methods for keeping other costs low. For example, finding used grow lights and other options can provide the materials needed at a discount price.
It may also be a good idea to start composting. Making compost can be a lot cheaper than purchasing compost. In addition, growers can team up with other growers to buy larger quantities to share. Soil, mulch, and other items can be purchased much cheaper in bulk. Splitting the cost with other growers can be big savings.
Another method for saving money is education. Understanding the entire process before starting a crop can help new growers avoid common and costly mistakes.