Since the second half of the Illini 42-3 loss to Michigan State, the dominant storyline surrounding Illini football has shifted to “will Tim Beckman keep his job or not? Whether the Illini win or lose doesn’t matter as much as how they win or lose; which of course doesn’t matter as much as whether or not we’ll have regime change in Champaign this year.
Today’s overtime loss at Penn State both strengthened and weakened the case for the Illini to oust Beckman. Illinois snatched defeat from the jaws of victory, in a game where they were double digit underdogs. However, they also snatched defeat from the jaws of victory, and coaching miscues had a lot to do with that.
It was an overtime game which was interesting to watch. Hey they were a lot of passing yards! For both the Illini, and Penn State! However, all the bone-headed plays, DUMB penalties, bad calls, stupid mistakes on both sides made this Illini game a total train wreck. Even by 2012-13 standards. It was a depressant drug, in college football form.
So who better to break it all down than Evil Bill O’Brien, the fake Twitter account of PSU Coach Bill O’Brien. Besides, if you don’t work for the AP, there’s no point in doing game recap stories anymore. Recaps are going the way of newspapers.
The best of Evil Bill O’Brien today
That was an evil plan. Made him think he had it and went Mortal Kombat and rippled his heart out.
— Evil Bill O’Brien (@evilbillobrien) November 2, 2013
“free” football if you accept crappy gifts.
— Evil Bill O’Brien (@evilbillobrien) November 2, 2013
Tim Beckman ladies and gentleman.
— Evil Bill O’Brien (@evilbillobrien) November 2, 2013
If you drank on every dumb Illinois play your life expectancy would decrease by 54 years
— Evil Bill O’Brien (@evilbillobrien) November 2, 2013
(attendance tweets)
— Evil Bill O’Brien (@evilbillobrien) November 2, 2013
WTF? RT @nycjorge: @UniWatch @PhilHecken Can you tell me when Penn State switched to the ACC?
— Evil Bill O’Brien (@evilbillobrien) October 31, 2013
Paul M. Banks is the owner of The Sports, an affiliate of Fox Sports. He’s also an analyst for multiple news talk radio stations across the world; with regular weekly segments on NBC and Fox Sports Radio. Follow him on Twitter (@paulmbanks) and RSS