Big shout out to Larry Brown Sports for catching this story, and re-publishing Hope Solo’s oh so eye-catching tweets.
“Being naked outside is very liberating,” she wrote in one tweet.
Responding to a fan in another tweet, she said she was “Doing a shoot for ESPN the MAG!”
That’s right this is in reference to the ESPN mag “Body Issue” of which Solo has a spread.
LBS posted the pic she tweeted of herself-wearing just a robe in a fountain. And I agree with Mr. Brown that this likely means she’s doing an appearance in ESPN’s “The Body Issue.” This photo shoot, when published, will no doubt provide lots of material for every “Hand Solo” out there. (hahahahahhaha- sorry, scruffy-looking nerfherders like myself just can’t pass up that joke. Trust me, the bit kills when you’re stressed out over trying to make the Kessell Run in less than 12 parcecs. Or bored on Tattoine).
Since we know the mothership is owned by Disney, (see I referred to ESPN as “the mothership” that time instead of “the evil empire”) don’t expect this shoot to be too risque.
But here’s our Solo photo gallery. Enjoy!
Paul M. Banks is CEO of The Sports, an official Google News site that generates millions of unique visitors. He’s also a regular contributor to Chicago Now, Walter, Yardbarker, and Fox Sports
He does regular weekly radio spots in Chicago and Cleveland and has appeared on live shows all across the world from Houston to New Zealand. You can follow him on Twitter